Rain Stops Play...

Rain Stops Play...
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Emma Tofi
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 26 Jul 2023


More Harmony's in-house quartet, Generation Gap, rehearsing in front of the choir in Wadebridge, CornwallIt's been a bit of a soggy July!  So soggy in fact, that our much-awaited sing-out in St Austell in aid of Tanya's Courage, had to be cancelled last weekend.  We were due to be amongst the performers raising money and awareness for this wonderful cause, but the weather was so torrential that the event has been postponed until August, when unfortunately, More Harmony will be unable to attend.  Whilst we're all very disappointed to have missed out on a singing opportunity, we send our very best wishes to everyone taking part in the rescheduled event and we look forward to hopefully joining in next year!  On the up-side, we got to run through some older repertoire songs in the lead-up to the original date, which is always good practise, and our in-house quartet - Generation Gap - were able to sing three songs for the chorus members, who thankfully gave their seal of approval.  The quartet hopes to have their audience debut before too long...

July hasn't been a total washout, of course!  We started the month in fabulous style, hosting our Big Charity Quiz Night at Wadebridge Social Club.  There, we were able to raise over £300 for Cornwall Hospice Care, whilst also providing an evening full of laughter and, of course, singing!  Keep your eyes peeled for more charity events as we plan them!

The chorus members had a rehearsal  that broke from the norm at the start of July, with both MD Lesley and AMD/Lead Section Leader Emma absent from proceedings.  The dynamic duo were sunning themselves in Hyde Park, watching Billy Joel in concert, so rehearsal was run by the three remaining section leaders, before an early finish and a trip to the pub!  There has since been talk of adding River Of Dreams to our warm-up repertoire, so watch this space...

A More Harmony rehearsal with choir members singing in a circle, at Wadebridge Ambulance Hall, North Cornwall.We also had cause to celebrate this month, as we gained a new Lead in the form of the lovely karen, who has passed her audition and become a fully fledged member of More Harmony.  We're thrilled to have her on board!

We are really proud of the warm, friendly welcome we give to new singers when they walk through our doors.  We know it's not easy to walk into a room full of strangers - after all, we've all had to do it - but we maintain that we're never strangers for long!  There are now just three rehearsals left until we have our annual Summer break (a fortnight off, to rest our throats!), so if you're a woman aged 16+ and you love to sing, why not come along and give a cappella a try?  We rehearse at Wadebridge Ambulance Hall on Thursday evenings from 7:15pm (doors open at 7pm!) and we guarantee you'll be greeted by lots of friendly faces. You might just find it's the start of an exciting new hobby!